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Polyethylene pipes from PE100 and PE80 for water.

Polyethylene pipe is equipment for laying water pipes made of PNT (low-pressure polyethylene), which is also labeled as PEHD (high-density polyethylene).

Polyethylene is an inexpensive material with high performance indicators used in water supply and drainage systems, irrigation, sewage, etc. Different types of polyethylene pipes, which have different properties, are used in different ways.

In principle, the color of the pipe has no personal meaning, but the color of the pipe determines its purpose. It is also important that polyethylene is of proper quality (from primary raw materials). The main material in the manufacture of PE pipes is polyethylene PE100 or PE80, and everything else is dye. A black pipe is somewhat cheaper, since the black dye itself is also cheaper than blue (for water supply) and yellow (for gas). Therefore, more often, PE pipes are made in black color, and blue (for water supply) or yellow (for gas supply) stripes are applied to indicate the purpose of the pipes. In addition, there are also polyethylene pipes with green stripes used for irrigation and orange pipes for communication. Now, when gas has become relatively expensive and the laying of new gas supply pipelines in Ukraine has been somewhat suspended, polyethylene food pipes for cold water are more often used.A plastic pipe for drinking must have a quality certificate and a passport for a specific batch!

Advantages of polyethylene pipes for water

Today, polyethylene pipes for water supply are the most popular. Polyethylene pipes have won the largest segment among pipelines than other types of plastic pipes. Because they have numerous advantages over steel, cast iron, concrete and even PVC pipelines.

Among the advantages of PE pipes:

1. They are not susceptible to corrosion from contact with water or various aggressive substances.

2. Compared to metal products, they weigh 3-4 times less.

3. Installation and welding of PNT pipes is much cheaper than steel pipes.

4. Installation of the pipeline using thermistor fittings is incredibly convenient.

5. The training period for welders takes a short time, unlike qualified steel welders.

6. Joints of polyethylene pipes do not require additional insulation.

7. The term of use of polyethylene pipelines can be 50 years or more.

8. Polyethylene pipes for water can be used repeatedly for reassembly.

9. PE pipes, like any other PE product, can be easily disposed of for further processing.

10. A water pipe made of polyethylene can be laid by the method of pulling into the old existing pipeline made of steel or concrete, with or without destruction of the old pipe.

11. Polyethylene pipes for water have high elasticity. Therefore, the polyethylene pipeline easily withstands variable loads from the ground and even earthquakes.

12. The inner surface of polyethylene pipes has extremely low roughness.

13. The elasticity of polyethylene provides protection of pipes from damage caused by water hammer.

14. The integrity of the pipes is preserved even if the water in it freezes.

15. Polyethylene food tubes are considered 100% safe and environmentally friendly.

16. In case of damage to PE pipes, individual elements from the entire system can be quickly and economically replaced.


What polyethylene pipe to buy.

In order to choose a suitable pipeline equipment, it is necessary to take into account many operational indicators. A properly selected pipe will allow you to lay a long-lasting water pipe. All important information about the polyethylene pipe is indicated simply on the label.


 Marking of polyethylene pipes

• Polyethylene water pipe with PE 100 and PE 80

Food grade polyethylene pipes are manufactured in accordance with DSTU standards, unlike technical ones. Marking PE 80 or PE 100 determines the type of material, namely the brand of polymer. PE 80 pipes have slightly worse performance indicators. PE 100 marking means that the pipe is made of more expensive and higher quality plastic. Thanks to this, the pipes have smaller wall thickness and higher throughput.


The marking of the purpose of polyethylene pipes is described above and depends on the color of the dye used in production or the color of the applied marking tapes. • Outer diameter. The diameter of pressure polyethylene pipes can be from 2 to 160 cm. It depends on the characteristics of the liquid inside, the water supply pressure and the depth of laying. The wider the diameter, the greater the throughput. But when choosing, you need to consider not only the diameter, but also the thickness of the walls. These two criteria determine the permissible pressure in the system.

Wall thickness.

The thickness of the walls determines the weight and strength of the polyethylene pipe. Accordingly, the greater the thickness of the walls, the more resistant the pipe is to aggressive external environment and high pressure inside. The thickness of the walls of PE pipes depends on the diameter of the pipe and determines the throughput of the system.

Working pressure and temperature.

This criterion depends exclusively on the features of the water supply system. Food-grade polyethylene pipes are made of polyethylene PE 80 or PE 100 and are intended for the supply of drinking water. Depending on the polyethylene brand (PE80, PE100) and wall thickness, the pipe can carry different pressure loads from 6 Atm to 16 Atm. Usually, the PE pipe is designed for standard indicators, that is 5-17 atmospheres. Such resistance is sufficient for most pressure water pipes. As a rule, one or another pressure in the pipeline is caused by the booster pumps, which create such pressure in the water supply system. But it should also be taken into account that a small internal diameter can create increased pressure inside. Pipes are used exclusively for supplying cold water with a temperature of up to 40°. Water with a significantly higher temperature can affect the elasticity of the material and its strength.


Polyethylene water pipes produced by IG UPK

Our company will offer quality products of its own production. Diameters of polyethylene pipes: 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225, 250, 280, 315, 355, 400 mm. Fittings for pipes are also available and can be ordered. Pipes of large diameters are made to order. The length of the pipes in the bay depends on the diameter of the product. For diameters of 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63 mm, it is 200-250 meters, and for larger ones (up to and including 110 mm), respectively, it is less - 150, 100, 50 meters. Polyethylene pipes with diameters from 125 mm and above are produced in straight lengths of 12-13 meters. DSTU sets clear and strict standards for the quality of drinking water pipes. Therefore, you can safely trust domestic manufacturers who adhere to all standards. The products of the leading Ukrainian brands, one of which is our company - Ukrpolimerkonstruktion Industrial Group LLC, are in high demand on the market and have an ideal price/quality ratio. The products of some European brands are also offered on the domestic pipe market.


Methods of installation of PE pipes

One of the main advantages of a polyethylene pipe is the simple and inexpensive installation of the pipeline system. Individual elements are connected using fittings. The connection method may be different, but all of them are convenient, economical and, most importantly, reliable.

• Butt welding.

Butt-welding installation does not require the purchase of many fittings. Some fittings, with this method of welding, are made from the same pipe as the entire main pipeline, and some - standard cast fittings are purchased separately according to the specifications for the pipeline. According to this method of connection, pipes and fittings are welded to each other using a special welding butt device .

• Welding using electrocoupler-thermoresistor fittings.

Thermistor fittings are connecting fittings made of polyethylene (usually PE100 brand) with a spiral built into them, to which current is supplied. It heats the plastic, forming a uniform structure. These are fittings that provide a high strength connection and will also require a special welding machine.

• Compression fitting.

Compression fittings are often used for laying water pipes of small diameters (up to 110 mm) from polyethylene pipes. When using compression fittings up to 75 mm, you will not need additional tools for installation. It is enough to clamp a special ring that reliably and hermetically clamps the fitting on the pipe and connects the pipes together.

• Steel or cast iron fittings.

Such fittings are connected to polyethylene pipes thanks to pre-welded side bushings made of PE and metal flanges. There are also special metal fittings that are connected to PE pipes using collet connections.


Pipes for water supply

Ціна на труби ПЕ 100 для подачі води варіюється від 14,28 грн до 21 054,96 грн.  за 1 м/п.

SDR — співвідношення стандартних розмірів труби, яке можна представити у вигляді відношення номінального зовнішнього діаметра труби (dn) до номінальної товщини стінки труби (en).  SDR = dn / en. Для полімерних труб прийняті наступні значення SDR 51, 41, 33, 26, 21; 17,6; 17; 13,6; 11; 9; 7,4; 6.

SDR водопровідних труб ПЕ 100 буває від 7,4 до 41

Купити водопровідну трубу ПЭ 100 можна в компанії ТОВ «Промислова група «Укрполімерконструкція». Фахівці нашої компанії допоможуть визначитися з вибором полімерної продукції, а також допоможут з поставкою замовленої продукції Вам будь-яким зручним способом.